
Updates in the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing measures
PRÁVNEOn 15 January 2025, the amendment to Act No. 297/2008 Coll.[1] on the Prevention of Legalization of Proceeds from Criminal Activity and on the Prevention of Terrorist Financing (hereinafter the "AML Act") came into force, introducing several significant changes. This amendment reflects the need to harmonize Slovak legislation with the European Union's requirements and international standards in combating financial crime. Below is a concise but detailed overview of the most important changes and their implications.
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Škubla & Partneri among The 10 Largest Law Firms in Slovakia
O NÁSGreat to see Škubla & Partneri among The 10 Largest Slovak Law Firms again! Based on the results of the detailed analysis, the annual Investment Advisory Guide published in November 2024 by the English-language newspaper The Slovak Spectator has confirmed our strong position at the legal services market in Slovakia.
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The new Consumer Protection Act
PRÁVNEThe new Consumer Protection Act ("the Act") has been published in the Collection of Laws and will enter into force on July 1, 2024. The Act represents a change in the field of consumer law, but not a codification of all consumer law. The Act is a response to the need to transpose several European Parliament and Council Directives into Slovak law.
The Act introduces significant changes for consumers (e.g. by extending the withdrawal period without giving a reason for contracts concluded during a sales event or door-to-door sales from 14 to 30 days, by protecting against non-transparent purchases and fake reviews in the online environment, or by increasing protection against artificially inflating prices in front of various discounts and sales), as well as for traders (e.g. introducing more institutions to waive the imposition of sanctions in cases where traders voluntarily stop infringements and remedy them, or removing obligations that are excessively burdensome for traders).
At the same time, the Civil Code is also being significantly amended. New concepts and definitions are also introduced, such as digital content, digital services and things with digital elements.
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EU unveils world's first comprehensive proposal to regulate artificial intelligence
PRÁVNEThe European Commission ("Commission") has introduced the so-called Artificial Intelligence Act ("AIA"), following previous initiatives in the field of Artificial Intelligence ("AI"), which began in 2018 with the Commission's announcement "Artificial Intelligence for Europe" and the subsequent establishment of the High Level Expert Group on AI. The work of this group resulted in a number of recommendations and ethical guidelines adopted by the Commission through the so-called "White Paper on Artificial Intelligence".
During the plenary session on 14th of June 2023, the European Parliament entered into last phase of the interinstitutional negotiations on the final text of the AIA with the Commission and the Council of the European Union in the framework of the so-called Trilogue. As the European legislator has chosen the form of regulation, the AIA will constitute a directly applicable legal act on the territory of the European Union member states, including the Slovak Republic.
Negotiations on the final form of the AIA are currently underway with a view to reaching an agreement by the end of this year. However, we stress that the AIA should not come into force before 2026 therefore we shall continue to follow its developments closely and report on it accordingly.
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Amendment to the Act on the Commercial Register
PRÁVNEDňa 7.7.2023 nadobudol účinnosť zákon č. 268/2023 Z. z., ktorým sa okrem iného mení a dopĺňa aj zákon č. 530/2003 Z. z. o obchodnom registri.
Changes to the rules on maladministration and appropriate financial compensation
PRÁVNEOn 1 July 2023, Act No. 239/2023 Coll. entered into force, which amended Act No. 162/2015 Coll. Administrative Procedure Code as well as Act No. 514/2003 Coll. on Liability for Damage Caused in the Exercise of Public Authority as amended by subsequent provisions.
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New legislation in the field of air protection
PRÁVNEPrávne predpisy Slovenskej republiky sa v mnohých aspektoch ochrany životného prostredia sotva stíhajú prispôsobovať súčasným klimatickým zmenám a stále novým environmentálnym predpisom a rozhodnutiam orgánov Európskej únie (ako napr. 8. všeobecný environmentálny akčný program Európskej únie z mája 2022). Nový zákon č. 146/2023 Z.z. o ochrane ovzdušia a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov („Zákon o ochrane ovzdušia“) ale vytvára priestor pre zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia.
Zákon o ochrane ovzdušia bol vyhlásený v Zbierke zákonov Slovenskej republiky dňa 28.04.2023, pričom účinnosť nadobudol 1.7.2023 s výnimkou niektorých zákonných ustanovení, ktorých účinnosť nastáva neskôr. Týmto zákonom sa novelizuje napr. zákon č. 455/1991 Zb. Živnostenský zákon, zákon č. 541/2004 Z.z. Atómový zákon, zákon č. 39/2013 Z.z. o kontrole znečisťovania životného prostredia, zákon č. 79/2015 Z.z. o odpadoch. Zároveň deroguje zákon č. 137/2010 Z.z. o ovzduší a prsílušné vykonávacie predpisy. Prostredníctvom Zákona o ochrane ovzdušia sa taktiež transponuje až jedenásť európskych smerníc uvedených v prílohe č. 11.
Tento zákon prináša viaceré zmeny, a to konkrétne pri osobitnom povolení stacionárnych zdrojov znečisťovania ovzdušia, čo doteraz postrádalo detailnú úpravu, ďalej ustanovuje reguláciu osobitných činností bez potreby individuálneho povolenia, ak sú vykonávané samostatne a nie sú spojené so stacionárnym zdrojom, zavádzajú sa kontroly malých spaľovacích zariadení na tuhé palivá a kvapalné palivá na základe podnetu, pričom porušenie zákazu spaľovania odpadov fyzickou osobou sa bude klasifikovať ako priestupok. Nová úprava by mala priniesť aj nižšie administratívne zaťaženie podnikateľov a nové právomoci obcí a samosprávnych krajov, ktoré si budú mocť vypracovať vlastné miestne programy na zlepšenie kvality ovzdušia a zabezpečiť ich plnenie všeobecnými záväznými nariadeniami alebo prijatými opatreniami.
Ako sa uvádza v dôvodovej správe, Zákon o ochrane ovzdušia svojím zameraním sleduje tri hlavné línie, a to kvalitu ovzdušia ustanovením prípustnej úrovne znečistenia ovzdušia, zníženie celkových emisií ustanovením národných záväzkov znižovania emisií a obmedzovanie emisií na zdroji ustanovením emisných požiadaviek pre stacionárne zdroje znečisťovania ovzdušia a požiadaviek na kvalitu vybraných výrobkov, akými sú palivá alebo regulované výrobky.
Celkovým účelom zákona je zabezpečenie a udržanie dobrej kvality ovzdušia aj v nadväznosti na odporúčania Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie či Programové vyhlásenie vlády 2021.
Leading Firm 2023 recognition from The Legal500 once again
O NÁSŠkubla & Partneri has once again earned excellent evaluation from The Legal 500, the prestigious London based rating agency that each year ranks the top-rated law firms internationally. We are proud that it has once again been confirmed that Škubla & Partneri belongs among the best and highly recognized law firms in the following areas of legal advice:
Banking, Finance and Capital Markets
Dispute Resolution
Real Estate and Construction
Pozastavil Súdny dvor Európskej únie cestu za transparentnosťou?
PRÁVNELuxemburský obchodný register v. Sovim SA
Ukázalo sa, že je ťažké nájsť rovnováhu medzi právom na súkromie a potrebou predchádzať trestnej činnosti vo forme prania špinavých peňazí a financovania terorizmu.
Smernica Európskej únie (ďalej len „EÚ“) o boji proti praniu špinavých peňazí[1] (ďalej len „smernica AMLD“) ustanovila, okrem iného, povinnosť členských štátov zaviesť centrálne registre skutočných vlastníkov spoločností. V týchto registroch sa evidujú alebo zverejňujú, okrem iného, aj osobné údaje o tzv. konečných užívateľoch výhod – fyzických osobách, ktoré skutočne „stoja“ na konci vlastníckej štruktúry spoločností. Na druhú stranu, EÚ zároveň intenzívne presadzuje záujem na ochrane osobných údajov fyzických osôb, najmä prostredníctvom všeobecného nariadenia o ochrane osobných údajov[2] (ďalej len „nariadenie GDPR“).
Tento prirodzený právny konflikt vyvrcholil v nedávnom spore v spojených veciach Luxemburské obchodné registre (vec C-37/20) a Sovim (vec C-601/20)[3], ktorými zdanlivo Súdny dvor EÚ zahatal cestu EÚ k transparentnosti.
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Slovenská otázka: je Slovensko ,,krajinou nepravidiel"?
PRÁVNESlovensko je skôr „krajinou nepravidiel“ ako právnym štátom, približuje esej Martina Škublu.
Text, ktorý vznikol v januári tohto roku, v pamfletickom tóne mapuje slovenskú národnú povahu a aj s pomocou postrehov o nej sa snaží osvetliť, prečo ekosystém práva nie je svetom, v ktorom by sme sa „cítili ako doma“.
O klanovej štruktúre slovenskej spoločnosti, či o mŕtvom pokoji jej elity píše autor s cieľom demonštrovať, ako nedostatok skutočnej a úprimnej diskusie o veľkých, ale aj chlebových témach práva a spoločnosti umŕtvuje normálny vzťah nášho politického spoločenstva k svetu všeobecne platných pravidiel a otvára tak cestu skratkám a spoločenským dobrodruhom.
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New Publications Act
PRÁVNEDňa 1. augusta 2022 nadobudol účinnosť zákon č. 265/2022 Z.z. o vydavateľoch publikácií a o registri v oblasti médií a audiovízie a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov („Zákon o publikáciách“), ktorý zrušil a nahradil zákon č. 167/2008 Z. z. o periodickej tlači a agentúrnom spravodajstve a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov („Tlačový zákon“) a zákon č. 212/1997 Z. z. o povinných výtlačkoch periodických a neperiodických publikácií.
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The Legal500 has named Škubla & Partneri „Leading Firm 2021“
O NÁSWe are delighted to share with you that we have been named ´Leading Firm 2021´again by the top legal directory The Legal500 in their latest 2021 Edition. This result confirms our outstanding position among the law firms providing legal services in Slovakia.
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Corporate and M&A expertise recognized in the 2021 Chambers´ Guides
O NÁSWe are proud to announce that our Corporate and M&A team has been ranked again in the Chambers & Partners Europe 2021 Guide.
Trochu inak o voľnej nedeli v maloobchode z dôvodu Covid-19 a o trestnoprávnej zodpovednosti hlavného hygienika
PRÁVNEV nasledovnom príspevku by sme sa chceli zamyslieť nad aktuálnym problémom tzv. zákazu nedeľného predaja v maloobchode na základe opatrenia hlavného hygienika, a to z pohľadu vyvodenia možnej trestnoprávnej zodpovednosti. K napísaniu tohto príspevku nás vedie súčasná verejná diskusia, ktorá sa dotýka aj druhej stránky spojenej s výkonom právomoci orgánov verejnej moci, ktorou je zodpovednosť za tento výkon.
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PRÁVNEAj po ukončení núdzového stavu, ku ktorému došlo 13.6.2020 o 24:00, zostali naďalej platné a účinné opatrenia Úradu verejného zdravia SR (ÚVZ), vrátane opatrenia OLP/4738/2020 z 9.6.2020, ktoré ukladá tzv. zákaz nedeľného predaja za účelom výkonu dezinfekcie zatvorených priestorov (Opatrenie). Toto Opatrenie kritizuje nielen laická verejnosť (t.j. spotrebitelia), dotknutí podnikatelia (t.j. predávajúci) ale aj viacerí politici a právnici – odborníci v oblasti ústavného práva.
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O nezákonnosti opatrení Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR v súvislosti s COVID-19
PRÁVNEPandémia COVID-19 preveruje schopnosti štátu reagovať v situáciách mimoriadne závažného ohrozenia zdravia jeho obyvateľstva. V záujme eliminácie šírenia koronavírusu tak bol štát nútený zasiahnuť do základných práv a slobôd, a tieto vo výraznej miere (dočasne) obmedziť, či už v rámci mimoriadnej situácie, ktorá bola na Slovensku vyhlásená od 12.3.2020, alebo v rámci núdzového stavu vyhláseného od 16.3.2020.
Hlavnú úlohu pritom zohrával Úrad verejného zdravotníctva SR („ÚVZ“), reprezentovaný hlavným hygienikom, ktorý vydával opatrenia, ktoré mali nielen negatívne dopady na bežný život obyvateľov, ale vyvolávajú aj zásadné právne otázky, ktorým sa chceme bližšie venovať v tomto príspevku.
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Ako sa obrátiť na súd alebo k charakteru opatrení Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR
V súvislosti s mimoriadnou situáciou a núdzovým stavom, vyhlásenými vládou SR vo vzťahu k pretrvávajúcej pandémii COVID-19, si slovenská verejnosť už akosi zvykla, že tempo pandémie na Slovensku udáva Úrad verejného zdravotníctva SR, reprezentovaný hlavným hygienikom, a to vo forme právnych aktov, tzv. „opatrení“ či, ako sa zvykne medializovať, „opatrení hlavného hygienika“. Napriek relatívne pozitívnym výsledkom v boji s pandémiou COVID-19 na území Slovenskej republiky faktom ostáva, že tzv. „opatrenia hlavného hygienika“ zasahujú do základných ľudských práv a slobôd jednotlivcov, čo vyvoláva nielen negatívne ohlasy na ich okamžitý praktický dopad, ale i niekoľko veľkých otáznikov k právnemu hľadisku týchto opatrení.
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Excellent results for Škubla & Partneri from The Legal500 2020 edition
O NÁSWe are proud to share with you that we have again received excellent ratings from The Legal500 in their latest 2020 Edition. These results confirm also the outstanding position of Škubla & Partneri among the law firms providing legal services in Slovakia. We are ranked in Tier 2 for the following practice areas - Dispute Resolution, Real Estate and Construction. In Tier 4 we are ranked for Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, in Tier 5 for Commercial, Corporate and M&A.
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IFLR1000 2020 ratings for Škubla & Partneri
O NÁSŠkubla & Partneri has been recognized as a Recommended law firm for the practise areas of Corporate and M&A and Banking and finance in the 2020 edition of IFLR1000, the guide to the world´s leading financial law firms.
Corporate/M&A awarded by Chambers & Partners Europe 2019
O NÁSWe are delighted to be ranked in the 2019 edition of Chambers & Partners Europe Guide within the Corporate/M&A practise.
We at Škubla & Partneri do consider this to be a great success since it is our first rating from Chambers & Partners ever.According to The Chambers & Partners ratings say the following:
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Clients are impressed with the team's pragmatic approach. One states: "They are able to combine legal aspects with business aspects into innovative solutions which push our business forward. During all co-operations we have had with Skubla & Partneri they provided an extraordinary service."
"They are highly experienced and customer-oriented." -
The Legal 500 2019 Awards for Škubla & Partneri
O NÁSWe are pleased to have once again received a perfect set of results from the prestigious The Legal 500 EMEA 2019 international directory. Škubla & Partneri has been ranked for Commercial, Corporate and M&A, Dispute Resolution and Real Estate and Construction.We are also delighted to announce that all our Partners namely Martin Škubla, Dušan Ďurík, Martin Fábry, Erika Galgóciová and Marián Šulík have received individual acknowledgments “Recommended Lawyer 2019.”
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Mergers & Acquisitions 2019
O NÁSWe´re proud to let you know that two leading lawyers from Škubla & Partneri namely Martin Fábry and Marián Šulík contributed the Slovakia chapter of the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Mergers & Acquisitions 2019 that has been published.
This Guide aims tu familiarise readers with common issues in M&A laws and regulations, including relevant authorities and legislation, target defences, bidder protection and mechanism of acquisition.
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Škubla & Partneri awarded by The Legal 500 In 2018
O NÁSWe´re delighted to announce that we´ve received an excellent set of results in The Legal 500 EMEA 2018 edition. Škubla & Partneri has been recommended in the following 3 practice areas:
Commercial, corporate and M&A,
Dispute resolution and
Real estate and construction.
We´re also pleased to inform that 5 lawyers have received individual acknowledgments as well:
Martin Škubla, Martin Fábry and Andrej Schwarz were declared the Recommended Lawyer 2018 in the category of Dispute resolution, Andrej Schwarz in the area of Commercial, corporate and M&A and Erika Galgóciová and Marián Šulík in Real Estate and construction.
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Changes to copyright rules
On 26 March 2019, the European Parliament adopted a new controversial draft directive on copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. Most criticized was especially a provision of Article 17, according to which the domestic legislation must impose upon service providers such as Youtube or Facebook an obligation to introduce filtration mechanisms in relation to their content subject to copyright protection. The draft directive also affects search engines providers such as Google, which can be potentially precluded by Article 11 from using media articles, as they are to be protected to the same extent as copyright works. The draft directive is yet to be approved by the European Council, whereby the member states must transpose it within 12 months. [For more information about possible further developments, please consult our website.]
New act on Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
A new act No. 314/2018 Coll. on the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and on the amendment of certain acts (“Constitutional Court Act”), annulling the Act No. 38/1993 Coll. on the organisation of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, on proceedings before it and on the status of its judges as amended, entered into force. This has occurred in two stages. In the first stage, sections regulating the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic and a section regulating organizational and personal aspects of the functioning of the Constitutional Court and court advisors through the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic entered into force on 15 November 2018. Other provisions entered into force on 1 March 2019. The experience so far enabled to identify several problems concerning the existing legal regulation. However, the situation required the adoption of either another major amendment with numerous and extensive changes to the existing legal rules or an entirely new law. The latter of these alternatives seemed to be the most appropriate. A reason for the adoption of the new Constitutional Court Act was especially the improvement of clarity and unambiguity of the normative text and inclusion of some substantive changes into the act, reacting to the experience of the Constitutional Court so far. At the same time, the law also reflects a submitted amendment to the constitution.
M&A awarded by IFLR 1000 2019
O NÁS Škubla & Partneri have obtained an important rating from IFLR 1000, a renowned publication aimed at ranking leading law offices world-wide with the emphasis on the area of corporate finance. IFLR 1000, which published its first ratings in 1990 and whose reviews now cover more than 120 jurisdictions all over the world, has written in its report: “Škubla & Partneri has notable M&A and banking practices, and good activity in project finance work. The firm’s recent project finance work comprises advising debtors on financing the construction of several residential project including the Sky Park and Rezidencia Pri Mýte projects. Elsewhere, it has acted for both debtors and lenders on acquisition financing and refinancing transactions. The firm’s M&A team has acted on deals in the media sector such as the acquisition of Ringier’s magazines division and Autobazar.eu where in both cases it advised the buyers. Other highlight deals took place in the banking sector where it advised shareholders on the merger of Prima Banka and Sberbank.”
New obligations of legal entities from 1 November 2018
PRÁVNEAs of 1 November 2018, selected provisions of the amendment to the Act No. 52/2018 Coll. on the protection against legalization of proceeds from crime entered into force. As part of the changes introduced by this amendment, legal entities registered in the Commercial Register became obliged to ensure the entry of information about their beneficial owner into the Commercial Register. Companies registered into the Commercial Register prior to 31 October 2018 must ensure that such data is entered by way of a special form by 31 December 2019. Companies registered into the Commercial Register after 1 November 2018 must ensure that data concerning the beneficial owner is entered automatically upon the first registration.
From 1 November 2018, the same obligations as in the case of legal entities registered into the Commercial Register apply also to foundations, non-profit organizations and non-investment funds in relation to respective special registers.
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Amendment of Cadastral Act effective from 1 October 2018
PRÁVNEWhat has been changed?
New essentials of proposal for entry
The amendment of the Cadastral Act specifies essentials of a proposal to commence proceedings. The proposal is now more structured and must contain, for example, detailed specification of the immovable property and specification of all legal acts and co-ownership interests (a fraction in relation to the whole). On the other hand, the act facilitates the procedure for registration of data into the cadastre from geometrical plans when dividing or joining plots of land, in which case it suffices to attach to the proposal an official verification number (applies to geometrical plans verified after 30 September 2018) instead of submitting the geometrical plan itself.
It is thus now necessary to specify in the proposal for entry of a record all legal acts included in the contract, on the basis of which the right to the immovable property is to be registered into the cadastre and which are subject to entry. The act also requires that all legal acts included in the proposal form part of a single contract.
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Compliance & Regulatory Certification Training carried out with Škubla & Partneri
O NÁSWe are proud to underwent a full-day, pass/fail Certification Training to enhance the attorneys´ individual level of proficiency on matters touching on US-FCPA, UK-Anti-Bribery, EU-Anti Money Laundering, OECD and Slovak anticorruption compliance legislation.
The training is replete with the latest information on legislative developments, trends by the US-Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and most recent case law in Federal and State courts (US), making 2016-2017 the biggest years of record for fines and imprisonment. This training is invaluable in particular for multinational companies subject to US and UK laws. -
Pro bono
O NÁSIn cooperation with the Slovak Catholic Charity we are providing legal aid to victims of crimes endangering the life and health and affecting human dignity. They include persons, many of them children, who as victims of crimes have suffered moral harm as well as property damage and normally their human dignity has been seriously affected. Our company represents these victims of crimes and helps them to assert their fundamental rights and freedoms and to claim the right to damages, as due to their personal situation they cannot afford professional legal advice they need, and thus depend on the help of others.
Škubla & Partneri awarded by The Legal 500 in 2017
O NÁSWe are proud to be the recipients of several awards received from The Legal 500 – a reputable London based international rating agency, which regularly evaluates the level of legal services provided in Slovakia and in the world. The Legal 500 has recently rated Skubla & Partneri as the Leading Firm in Commercial, corporate and M&A and the Leading Firm in the area of Dispute resolution. At the same time, two Partners of our law firm received individual acknowledgments:Martin Skubla was declared the Recommended Lawyer 2017 in the category of Dispute resolution and Andrej Schwarz in the category Commercial, corporate and M&A.
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Law firm of the year 2017 awards
O NÁSWe consider the results of the 5th annual contest “Law firm of the year 2017“ organised by the weekly magazine TREND in cooperation with EPRAVO.SK a significant success for our law firm. Skubla & Partneri was declared as recommended law firm for Competition, Development and Real Estates, M&A, Banking and Finance and Dispute resolution.
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Legal advice regarding the sale of SKY PARK Apartments
O NÁSOur office is providing comprehensive legal advice to a client in connection with the development and implementation of a unique residential and administrative project in the centre of Bratislava, designed by Zaha Hadid, a world-famous architect. Legal advice included the preparation and annotation of contractual documentation in relation to the sale of residential units to individuals. In the course of project’s construction, we are also providing to the client continuous day-to-day support in accordance with client’s requirements.
Comprehensive advice in real estate projects Rosum and Nová Terasa II
O NÁSIn 2016, the Law office Škubla & Partneri provided legal advice to a leading developer in connection with the construction and financing of a number of real estate projects in Bratislava and Košice.
One of these projects was “Rosum”, an office centre, located in the capital’s wider city centre. Besides attractive office premises, the project also offers premises for commerce and services.
In addition, we are providing legal advice to the client on selected legal issues concerning the construction of the “Nová Terasa” project located in a lucrative part of Košice near to its historic centre.
New civil procedure codices
PRÁVNEThree new civil procedure codices have come into effect as of July 1 2016 as a result of recodification of civil procedural law: Act no. 160/2015 Coll Civil Dispute Code, Act no. 161/2015 Coll Civil Non-dispute Code and Act no. 162/2015 Coll Administrative Procedure Code, replacing Act no. 99/1963 Coll. Civil Procedure Code. Brand new legislation appears to be the most suitable solution considering the countless amendments of Civil Procedure Code, which caused its considerable disarrangement and disruption of its content and logical continuity of the text. The purpose of this legislation is mainly to improve the enforcement of rights and to ensure a swift and fair court proceeding, which is to be achieved mainly by means of new procedural institutes. The acts were created by Recodification committee for Civil Procedure Code, which was created by Minister of Justice in 2012. The committee consisted of experts from various branches of law – judges, advocates, distrainors and legal theoreticians.
Financing the Residence „Pri Mýte“
O NÁSA loan agreement for the financing of a second stage of the residential project Residence “Pri Mýte II” was concluded in March 2016. Our firm has provided comprehensive legal advice to the developer in connection with the preparation of the loan documentation, thus ensuring continuity in the provision of legal services, as we advised the client also on the financing of construction of the project’s first stage.
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Sberbank’s acquisiton
O NÁSThe acquisition of Sberbank Slovensko. Škubla & Partneri assisted a client as a purchaser in the acquisition of Sberbank Slovensko. As a general legal advisor, Škubla & Partneri has accompanied the client throughout the acquisition process including in-depth pre-acquisition audit, SPA negotiation and fulfilment of conditions precedent as well as procedures to obtain approvals from the Slovak Anti-monopoly Office and the European Central Bank for the bank’s acquisition.
Awards for Škubla & Partneri in the competition Law firm of the year 2016
O NÁSIn the fourth year of the competition Law firm of the year 2016, which was organized by the weekly magazine TREND in cooperation with EPRAVO.SK, our law firm received several awards.
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Act on criminal liability of legal persons
PRÁVNEAs of July 1st 2016, a new Act on criminal liability of legal persons and came into effect, which has been promulgated in Collection of Acts on February 25 2016 as an Act no. 91/2016 Coll. This Act introduces to our legal system a so-called direct criminal liability, as opposed to the existing concept of so-called pseudo criminal liability of legal persons. This disrupts the existing perception of criminal liability as a mere liability of natural persons and breaches its strict individual character. The Act itself governs the basics of criminal liability of legal persons, types of penalties and their imposition as well as the criminal procedure against legal persons itself.
Act on some arrangements in connection with Civil Porcedure Code recodification
PRÁVNEA new Act no. 125/2016 Coll on some arrangements in connection with passing the Civil Dispute Code, Civil Non-dispute Code and Administrative Procedure Code was passed by the parliament, which came into effect as of July 1 2016. As the Statement of reasons reads, the main purpose of this legal act is to harmonise legal acts and procedural institutes in order to achieve coherence with the new civil procedure codices. The act contains mainly changes of technical character and changes in terminology.
Concentration of Penta and Petit Press
PRÁVNEAs of July 3 2016, the Anti-monopoly office of Slovak republic has approved the concentration, which consists of joint control over one of the most significant publisher in Slovakia – Petit Press, a.s. by companies Prvá slovenská investičná skupina, a.s., which is the existing company in control of the publisher and PENTA INVESTMENTS LIMITED, which has been influential in this sector via the largest media company in Slovakia – News and Media Holding, a.s.
Act on e-government
PRÁVNEAs of May 1 2016 an Act no. 305/2013 Coll on electronic form of exercising the authority of public organs (e-Government Act) came into effect. According to this Act, all legal persons are obliged to communicate with public organs via central portal www.slovensko.sk – electronically via electronic mail box created and activated by Government Office of the Slovak republic. No such obligation, however, arises for natural persons, or rather self-employed subjects, as this form of communication with public organs is facultative. For successful communication via electronic mailbox under the e-Government Act, subjects are required to have ID with electronic chip and with personal security code, which can be arranged for at ID office of District headquarters of Police department or at contact centres of Ministry of internal affairs of Slovak republic.
Financing the acquisiton of shares EM&F!
In March 2016, our firm provided comprehensive legal advice to a syndicate of banks in connection with the provision of a loan to a Slovak investor for the purpose of an indirect acquisition of shares in the Polish company EMPIK MEDIA & FASHION S.A.